yaadhum oore yaavarum kelir (2023) 1080p predvd dual audio
The story revolves around Kirubanadhi, also known as Punithan (Vijay Sethupathi), who arrives at Father Xavier’s church in Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu along with Jesse (Thabiya Mathura), a musician from the United Kingdom. Initially, Father Xavier and everyone in his church welcome Punithan, mistaking him to be a part of Jesse’s band. However, they later discover that Punithan is not from the UK. To make matters worse, Jesse claims that she does not know Punithan and that he is not a part of her band. Punithan then reveals his story. He was born a Sri Lankan Tamil and was raised by a church priest after his parents were killed in the ethnic cleansing that occurred in Sri Lanka. The priest recognized Punithan’s exceptional musical talent and attempted to send him to the UK for higher studies in music. However, just as he was about to leave the island, the Sri Lankan army shot the people escorting him and threw him into a juvenile prison. Punithan spent several years in prison, hoping that the priest would come to bail him out one day. Unfortunately, he later learned that the priest had died in a bombing raid. After being released from prison years later, a series of unfortunate events forced him to flee the country.
Punithan joined a group of Sri Lankan Tamils who were fleeing to Australia by boat. The boat capsized, and everyone on board except Punithan drowned. Malayali fishermen rescued Punithan and took him to a music shop owner in Kerala. Impressed by Punithan’s musical knowledge, the shopkeeper gave him a job at the store and encouraged him to participate in an international music competition happening in the UK. However, Punithan faced a major obstacle: he needed a passport to go to the UK but couldn’t get one as a refugee. Furthermore, the Tamil Nadu Police were intent on labeling Punithan as an illegal immigrant and hunting him down.
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